You Are The Magic Pill

Beauty is Only Skin Deep

Episode Summary

Episode 24: June is Vitiligo Awareness Month, and since I have Vitiligo, this is my current reality. I want to be an advocate and bring awareness to what it is and how it affects people. I'm happy that it is being talked about, because hopefully it can help people to not have to suffer so much from it, and then shift perception and know that we're all different and we're all made in the image of God, unique in our own special ways. Listen in...

Episode Notes

•    I used to look at my skin and just be like, Why can't I just be normal? Can I just have normal skin where I could just wear shorts and not have to wear spray tan all the time and cover it up, I never felt comfortable. (4:07)

•    So the day she left me, it left me, the vitiligo, the stress and the anxiety and the hatred and the discussed and the sadness, it just left. And from that moment on, I've just embraced it and thankful for it now because I can help other people realize that sometimes we get lost in our minds and we think that something are so terrible and it's really not. (5:34)

•    Many things that we compare and look at in our society has an image that we all tend to think the way that we be, but it's not necessarily the truth, each of us is the truth. And so that's what I'm here to share with you, if you're having some issues or you think that there's something wrong with you, just know that there's so much more right with you.  (9:02)

•    Guard your mind, focus on what you want, try to love all parts of you and embrace what you can't change. Enhance what you can, and just really try to take those steps daily to live a happier, more joyful life by loving yourself. And then what's going to happen is when you start doing that, then you're going to start taking more steps in the direction of more confidence. (12:21)


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