You Are The Magic Pill

Let It Out And Let It Go

Episode Summary

Episode 30: Welcome back to You Are the Magic Pill, I'm your host Victoria. Today I want to share how I don't want to ever be fake, I don't want to ever act like everything is so joyful and blissful and perfect in my life, because it's not. I've been up-leveling and changing a lot and collapsing my reality and rewriting all programming and trying to let go of the things that are so ingrained and taught. But I'm going to tell you right now, it's putting up a fight, it's been a big fight. I'm in a battle with it myself and here to let it all go and to change that outcome. And if you're going through that, I just wanted to share with you that it is definitely part of the process. Just know that we're going to have those ups and downs, and the beautiful thing is, once you can really fully love all parts of yourself, then that's when we can really have that up-leveling and achieve Christ Consciousness, and that's what we signed up for, this is what we're here to do. Ready to hear more? Listen in…

Episode Notes

•   I was just kind of lying to my bed, thinking about things, and I don't know if you ever get like this... I don't know, lately it's just I know I've discovered a lot of truths that I didn't know before. And it's made me really blissful and happy and free. But then there's also this process of... Have you heard of the Death to Ego kind of thing, and your inner child? I've been working with my inner child type stuff, and honestly I talked about this before, I didn't really realize that a lot of the trauma that I went through as a child affects me now. (1:24)

•   There's so many messages in the movies like Interstellar, The Matrix, I even watch Jupiter ascending. There's a lot of messages in that, I could go on and on with the movies, and it's fascinating to me. I love going back and watching them with the eyes that I have now... I just felt like talking to you for a minute about just having that pain body in the house sometimes when we rise up and we go through an up-leveling that we're going to experience this and we're also going to experience things coming into our reality. (4:40)

•   If someone is making you jealous or someone's making you angry, are someone's making you... Whatever, if you're getting an emotional trigger from it, then there's something going on with you. And if you're projecting on to those people, then it's about you and that's when you need to stop and say, Hey, why am I doing this?  What's it about? And if we could all understand that relationships are about that, we call in what we need. I'm thankful for what happened because now it's making me really get down on my knees again and go within and get my power back. (9:02)

•    Maybe I can help you take that first step to start that journey, to go within, to go look at some of your inner child stuff, you may not even know what that is, go research it. If you feel called or led to do that, if it's your time, it may not be your time. I always say there's different actors or different roles in movies, there's even just extras, it's like we all have our time here, we're all here on earth together serving our purpose, and if it's meant for you to hear or to see something that's off, then you'll hear it at the time that you're supposed to hear it. If we could all understand that everybody's on their own path, we're just here to serve and to love one another and to learn from one another, the world would be such a better place if we could all just realize that we're all in this together. (12:23) 


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